Volume 13: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence January 1922-March 1923

Volume 13: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence January 1922-March 1923
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Table of Contents
Volume 13: The Berlin Years: Writings & Correspondence January 1922-March 1923
Table of Contents pages: 1 2 3
- List of Texts xiii13
- List of Illustrations xxxi31
- Introduction to Volume 13 xxxiii33
- Editorial Method of the Series lxxix79
- Acknowledgments lxxxvii87
- Note on the Translation lxxxix89
- List of Abbreviations xc90
- Location Symbols xci91
- Descriptive Symbols xciv94
- TEXTS 197
- Vol. 3, 10a. "On Boltzmann's Principle and Some of Its Direct Consequences" 399
- Vol. 5, 315a. From Heinrich Zangger 15111
- Vol. 5, 505a. To Paul Langevin 16112
- Vol. 8, 86a. From Heinrich Zangger 17113
- Vol. 8, 95a. From Heinrich Zangger 18114
- Vol. 8, 95b. From Heinrich Zangger 19115
- Vol. 8, 113a. From Elsa Einstein 20116
- Vol. 8, 113b. From Elsa Einstein 20116
- Vol. 8, 113c. From Elsa Einstein 21117
- Vol. 8, 113d. From Elsa Einstein 22118
- Vol. 8, 113e. From Pauline Einstein 23119
- Vol. 8, 113f. From Elsa Einstein 24120
- Vol. 8, 113g. From Elsa Einstein 25121
- Vol. 8, 116a. From Elsa Einstein 25121
- Vol. 8, 177a. From Paul Ehrenfest 26122
- Vol. 8, 493a. To Heinrich Zangger 29125
- Vol. 8, 510a. From Heinrich Zangger 30126
- Vol. 9, 35a. To Luise Karr-Krüsi 31127
- Vol. 9, 140a. To Albert Karr-Krüsi 32128
- Vol. 7, 33a. Statement on the Hebrew University 33129
- Vol. 7, 39a. Page Proofs for "Propagation of Sound in Partly Dissociated Gases" 34130
- Vol. 10, 80a. From Mileva Einstein-Maric 38134
- Vol. 7, 45a. Opinion on Jakob Grommer's Textbook Project 40136
- Vol. 7, 50a. On the Present Situation in Theoretical Physics 42138
- Vol. 7, 52a. Opinion on Eggeling and Richter's Project 43139
- Vol. 7, 56a. "International Relations in Science" 44140
- Vol. 7, 56b. Professor Einstein on the Proposed Hebrew University of Jerusalem 45141
- Vol. 7, 60a. Calculations on a Cooler 47143
- Vol. 7, 65a. "Expert Opinion" on Proposal by Heinrich Löwy 49145
- 1. To Charlotte Weigert 50146
- 2. "Preface" to Bertrand Russell, Political Ideals 51147
- 3. "The International Character of Science" 54150
- 4. From Max Born and James Franck 56152
- 5. From Hermann Weyl 56152
- 6. To Max Born 57153
- 7. From Hedwig Born 58154
- 8. From Paul Ehrenfest 58154
- 9. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 59155
- 10. To Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn 60156
- 11. From Richard B. Haldane 61157
- 12. "Proof of the Non-Existence of an Everywhere Regular, Centrally Symmetric Field According to the Field Theory of Kaluza" 63159
- 13. To Paul Ehrenfest 75171
- 14. From Arnold Sommerfeld 76172
- 15. From Felix Ehrenhaft 78174
- 16. To Maurice Solovine 79175
- 17. From Eberhard Zschimmer 80176
- 18. Expert Opinion on Rudolf Goldschmidt's Patent 83179
- 19. From Richard Courant 85181
- 20. From Michael Polanyi 85181
- 21. From Sanehiko Yamamoto 86182
- 22. From Sanehiko Yamamoto 87183
- 23. "To Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Berlin. Remarks on an Expert Opinion Prepared for Mr. Sannig." 88184
- 24. From Paul Ehrenfest 90186
- 25. To Max Born and James Franck 91187
- 26. To David Hilbert 92188
- 27. To Arnold Sommerfeld 92188
- 28. "Response to the Expert Opinion of Hans Wolff in the Legal Dispute between Anschütz & Co. and Kreiselbau" 95191
- 29. "On an Optical Experiment Whose Result Is Incompatible with the Undulatory Theory" 97193
- 30. From Paul Ehrenfest 106202
- 31. To Paul Ehrenfest 109205
- 32. From Chaim Weizmann 111207
- 33. From Charlotte Weigert 112208
- 34. From Heinrich Zangger 113209
- 35. From Koshin Murofuse 115211
- 36. To Emile Berliner 115211
- 37. To Paul Ehrenfest 116212
- 38. To Paul Hausmeister 117213
- 39. From Paul Ehrenfest 117213
- 40. From Jun Ishiwara 118214
- 41. To Arnold Sommerfeld 120216
- 42. From Gregory Breit 122218
- 43. "On the Theory of Light Propagation in Dispersive Media" 124220
- 44. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 131227
- 45. From Paul Ehrenfest 132228
- 46. From Joan Voute 133229
- 47. To Paul Ehrenfest 134230
- 48. To Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein 134230
- 49. From Hans Albert Einstein 135231
- 50. From Eduard Einstein 136232
- 51. To Madeleine Rolland 137233
- 52. From Emil Warburg 137233
- 53. "Proposal for the Nomination of a Corresponding Member in Physics" [Niels Bohr] 140236
- 54. From Paul Ehrenfest 142238
- 55. From Wolfgang Hallgarten 144240
- 56. From Paul Langevin 145241
- 57. To Paul Ehrenfest 146242
- 58. To Oswald Veblen 147243
- 59. To Franz Selety 148244
- 60. To Juliusz Wolfsohn 148244
- 61. From Theodor von Karman 149245
- 62. Review of Wolfgang Pauli, The Theory of Relativity 151247
- 63. To Paul Langevin 155251
- 64. From Thomas Barclay 156252
- 65. From Erich Marx 157253
- 66. To Erich Marx 158254
- 67. To Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein 158254
- 68. From Edith Einstein 159255
- 69. To Paul Langevin 161257
- 70. From Paul Langevin 162258
- 71. To Paul Langevin 164260
- 72. To Bernardo Dessau 164260
- 73. From Richard B. Haldane 165261
- 74. To the French League of Human Rights 166262
- 75. From Lipmann Halpern 166262
- 76. "Theoretical Comments on the Superconductivity of Metals" 168264
- 77. From Paul Ehrenfest 177273
- 78. From Heinrich Zangger 178274
- 79. To Paul Ehrenfest 179275
- 80. From Michele Besso 179275
- 81. To the Prussian Academy of Sciences 182278
- 82. From Paul Ehrenfest 183279
- 83. From Paul Winteler 185281
- 84. To Thomas Barclay 186282
- 85. To Maurice Solovine 186282
- 86. From Michael Polanyi 187283
- 87. To Paul Ehrenfest 188284
- 88. From Maurice Croiset 189285
- 89. To Max Hirschfeld 190286
- 90. To Paul Winteler and Maja Winteler-Einstein 191287
- 91. To Arnold Berliner 191287
- 92. To Maurice Croiset 192288
- 93. To Gustav and Regina Maier-Friedländer 192288
- 94. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 193289
- 95. To Michele Besso 194290
- 96. To Robert A. Millikan, Paul Epstein, and Richard C. Tolman 195291
- 97. From Thomas Barclay 195291
- 98. From Leo Jolowicz 196292
- 99. From Paul Langevin 196292
- 100. From Mileva Einstein-Maric 197293
- 101. From Zhu Jia-hua 199295
- 102. From Paul Winteler 200296
- 103. To Maurice Solovine 200296
- 104. To Joan Voute 201297
- 105. From Paul Langevin 201297
- 106. From Paul Winteler 202298
- 107. To Paul Ehrenfest 202298
- 108. To Paul Langevin 204300
- 109. From Erwin Finlay Freundlich 205301
- 110. To Thomas Barclay 207303
- 111. To Zhu Jia-hua 207303
- 112. To Leo Jolowicz 208304
- 113. To Arthur Nussbaum 209305
- 114. From Paul Ehrenfest 209305
- 115. From Hantaro Nagaoka 210306
- 116. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 212308
- 117. To Viktor Engelhardt 212308
- 118. To Jun Ishiwara 213309
- 119. To Hans Reichenbach 214310
- 120. To Charles Nordmann 215311
- 121. From Wilhelm Mayer-Kaufbeuren 216312
- 122. To Elsa Einstein 217313
- 123. To Elsa Einstein 217313
- 124. From Peter Debye 218314
- 125. From Beatrice Jahn-Rusconi Besso 220316
- 126. To Paul Langevin 222318
- 127. From Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe 222318
- 128. From Emile Berliner 224320
- 129. From Ludwig Hopf and Theodor von Kármán 224320
- 130. From Paul Block 225321
- 131. "The Theory of Relativity." Discussion Remarks at a Meeting of the Société française de Philosophie 227323
- 132. From Oswald Veblen 253349
- 133. From Paul Winteler 253349
- 134. To Elsa Einstein 254350
- 135. From Chenzu Wei 255351
- 136. From Gustave Le Bon 256352
- 137. From Georg Maschke 256352
- 138. From Paul Oppenheim 257353
- 139. To Lucien Chavan 259355
- 140. From Paul Langevin 259355
- 141. To Ilse Einstein 260356
- 142. From Hans Albert Einstein 260356
- 143. From Peter Debye 261357
- 144. From Paul G. Tomlinson 262358
- 145. To Georg Maschke 263359
- 146. To Paul Oppenheim 263359
- 147. From Jacques Hadamard 264360
- 148. To Heinrich J. Goldschmidt 265361
- 149. From Paul Ehrenfest 265361
- 150. To Peter Debye 268364
- 151. To Charles-Eugene Guye 269365
- 152. To Romain Rolland 269365
- 153. To Paul Block 270366
- 154. To Maurice Solovine 271367
- 155. From Peter Debye 272368
- 156. From Maja Winteler-Einstein 273369
- 157. To Paul Ehrenfest 274370
- 158. From Romain Rolland 275371
- 159. From Paul Colin 276372
- 160. From Paul Ehrenfest 277373
- 161. To Maja Winteler-Einstein 278374